Team Spotlight: Diana Ricken, Customer Happiness

07 June 2022
Team Spotlight: Diana Ricken, Customer Happiness

"Whatever it takes" - according to this motto, Diana moves mountains when it comes to leading customers and projects to success. At ChannelXperts, Diana has been an employee from the very beginning, has (co-)managed pretty much every customer project and has often made the impossible possible for the customers. 

And that's what the software industry is all about for Diana: "Software is simply exciting, and getting it to work optimally for customers is always a (smaller or bigger) challenge." Often it is not so much the technical challenges, but rather the diversity of the people, the teams, the organisations she supports: from large and structured companies to dynamic start-ups; from working with experienced project managers to young teams. 

What makes Diana so valuable for customers and for ChannelXperts is her own broad experience in various industries, fields of activity, and also international experience abroad over more than 25 years: as a trained business economist and industrial clerk, as foreign managing director in Portugal, as business unit manager in IT training companies, as founder of an IT consulting company, as sales manager of numerous IT projects of American manufacturers in Europe, and since 2014 in charge of the Customer Success Team at ChannelXperts.

Above all, Diana values the personal relationships in the ChannelXperts team, some of which have been growing for more than 20 years. Trust, supporting each other with one's personal strengths and weaknesses in the team, these are important values for Diana at ChannelXperts.

When Diana is not taking care of clients, she mostly lives out her enthusiasm for sports in any form: from golf to dragon boating, hiking or voluntary tasks in the sports club, preferably being active in sports herself, but she also likes to watch TV from time to time.

... and those who mistype on the keyboard like to quickly turn D. Ricken into Dr. Icken - although nothing could be further from Diana's mind than to adorn herself with titles and laurels.


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